With 1 in 54 children being diagnosed with ASD in the U.S., many parents and caregivers are scrambling to understand what is ASD, what causes ASD, what are the signs, symptoms and how are they evaluated. Autism 101 will guide you through these challenging questions.
This is one of our most popular classes. If you have a child with ASD, you are no stranger to negative behaviors. The great news is, are not alone. This course is designed with you in mind.
This course is designed to give you the practical resources and methods to increase your child’s safety and reduce stress for you and your little one(s). There are a vast array of topics, click course details to learn more.
IEP’s, therapy and assessment directly represent what, when and how your child will receive the support they need. Knowing what resources and assessments are available at school, therapy and home are essential to their success.
While there are no medication treatments that treat the core symptoms of autism, there are a wide range of physical and mental-health resources at your disposal. Knowing what is available and what to look for is vital to your child's well-being.
Parents of children diagnosed with ASD often report higher levels of depression, anxiety, and mental health related issues. We want to help. This course will expose you to informative, practical and valuable information and resources that can help you throughout your journey.
With an estimated 50,000 adolescents with autism becoming adults each year in the U.S., it is more important than ever that there are effective resources and support services to help you with the challenges you might face.
Coming Soon!
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The National ASD Learning Center (NASDLC) does not provide medical or legal advice or services. Instead, the NASDLC provides general information regarding autism as a service to the community. The information provided on our website is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider and does not replace the advice of medical, legal or educational professionals. The NASDLC is not responsible for the content produced by, or the services rendered by, any third party that is referenced, or to which access may be provided via this site.