Autism 101 is free. The remaining courses are a one time fee of $99. This will grant you access to all ASD courses and communities for one year.
No, the courses are not graded. They are designed for parents/caregivers to be informative, practical and easy to navigate.
All courses are self paced with instructor support available.
One must complete Autism 101, before enrolling into the remaining course catalog. All courses are in English.
Yes, although we suggest you focus on one course at a time. If you enroll in another course, you can begin same day.
Absolutely; please reach out to us and we will be happy to accommodate you.
All material is included.
Although everyone works at their own pace, we have found that most students complete a course within 5-8 hours. Many students remain active in a course(s) as they participate in the online discussions boards.
Simply go to a course, click register now and follow the instructions. If you run into trouble, click the Contact Us tab at the bottom of the screen.
Once you register for a course, you will receive a welcome email from NASDLC. This email will contain a link that directs you to a page where you will create your user name and password. Once you submit the form, you will be logged into the online learning platform. Once inside you will have a short welcome video which will demonstrate how to navigate your course and extra resources.
You have access to technical support both inside and outside the course. Your registration verification will contain your technical support contact information.
Yes, yes and yes. This platform is more than just information, it is designed for you to have access to other parents/caregivers with similar trials, question and fears. While sharing is not required, it is encouraged as parent-to-parent support is vital to a healthy support network. It is also a great place to vent and be encouraged.
Simply put, any internet browser will work.
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The National ASD Learning Center (NASDLC) does not provide medical or legal advice or services. Instead, the NASDLC provides general information regarding autism as a service to the community. The information provided on our website is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider and does not replace the advice of medical, legal or educational professionals. The NASDLC is not responsible for the content produced by, or the services rendered by, any third party that is referenced, or to which access may be provided via this site.